Showing posts with label God's beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's beauty. Show all posts

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cotton Clouds vs. the Sun

The cotton clouds like curtains stood
And joined each other in sisterhood
To hide the sun from others view
Although the sun came shining through

It caused my gaze to wander high
To catch a glimpse of cloudy sky
With glowing clouds in snowy whites
Illuminating the sky with blinding lights

If the clouds thought they could be
A block between the sun and me

They must have lost their mind today
Because the sun stood on display

Nature by God
poetry by Judy Sheldon-Walker

For more sky views from around the world visit SkyWatch Friday. God bless you this week end!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Never Satisfied!

Have you ever noticed that we are a complaining bunch! I had to chuckle the other day when I heard the same person who complained of no rain complain when it rained!

God sat upon a cloud looking down on man
St. Peter stood near saying “They’re hard to understand.
They complain when it snows. They say it should be sunny.
So you send lots of sunshine and they complain it’s muddy!
You leave the sun up shining so the mud will go away
And they complain of heat and want a rainy day!”

I have to admit, I’m just as bad, but I’m working on it. :-)

The picture was courtesy of Windows Live Writer, but it would not publish. Fortunately I saved a few of my photos to my desk top. My photo albums are having technical difficulties and I cannot access most of my files.

Take care and God bless. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sunrise, Sunset – Does it Matter?


Sunrise, sunset, the difference depends in the direction your heading or looking, right? The beginning and the ending of each day is defined by God and given to us brightly wrapped in brilliant colors. The middle of the day is left up to us. It is our choice to appreciate the glorious gifts He gives us and to treasure the day or to disregard them and to trudge along on our way. I think it is truly amazing that He remembers to end our days as beautifully as He began them!

I was reading and commenting on blogs, doing the same on articles, trying to finish my latest article to get it submitted and knowing that soon my weekend would end and I would have to start the work week again. We’re always multi-tasking. Trying to be on three sites at once, feed the husband, do the laundry, talk to friends and family…. In other words trying hard to do everything but hardly doing anything. If you could see my heart, you would know I want to excel at it all.

My grandson called me in the midst of my feeble attempts at juggling ten tasks. I had three books open to various pages and several windows open on the computer. I clicked over from another call to take his. I just sat down after bringing my husband his plate. “Grandma”, he began, “My girl needs a ride home from work.” Oh, sweetie”, I began, but soon I was out the door to do him the favor and walked out into a beautiful show stopping sunset! I didn’t have time to run to the lake to get to see it reflected on the water or time to run to the park to see it at the horizon. I had trees, homes, buildings, telephone wires and street lights to obstruct the view, but God’s beauty came shining through! All God asks is for a moment of our time and the rewards are truly worth it. He asks us to stop crowding Him out and just give Him a moment.

Please join me at Outdoor Wednesday for more of God's beauty.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Are they Angel's Tears?

They glisten like tiny bits of crystal...

Can my camera capture what my eyes can see..
Tiny little droplets glistening on a tree?

Oh the wondrous beauty God shares with me!
Can my camera capture what my eyes can see?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday's Surprise

This month at work we are required to work 6 days a week so I am suffering from blogger's withdrawal. :-)

After submitting my first article to Examiner today I pray that it will meet with their approval. As soon as I hit submit I ran upstairs to gather my laundry so I could wash clothes for work this upcoming week. Another boring few hours at the laundromat made more so because I cannot connect with my blogging friends.

These are the pepper plants growing in the laundromat. Can you tell I'm bored? I've snapped a few pictures and the clothes are rotating in the washer. I've read both the magazines they have here on previous visits.

I stepped outside but did not see anything new to photograph until I glanced behind the building. There is near a foot of snow, but what do I see? I walk right up to the edge of the snow and spotted... a tree full of blossoms. There are small foot prints laying a trail to the back of the building. I try to fit my size 11 sneakered foot into the prints and head on back. Standing gingerly in the cleared spots with snow melting in my shoes I took half a dozen snaps. Icy, you were right. Am I going to let a little snow stop me? Look at how even a blossom knows to face the sun.

I took my find into the owners and they thought the tree was an oak. I have never paid attention to the blossoms on an oak. There are too many things I have not paid attention to, I'm sorry to say, but not a day goes by that God does not pay attention to me. He blesses each and every day. He saw fit to show me this beautiful sign of spring today.

May God richly bless you this week.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

And then He Broke the Mold!


God put a camera in my hands and all the sudden now I see...

I find beauty in a puddle, the grace and strength of a tree
The petals of flowers, the blue azure of the sea
The many flecks of color in the eyes of my pet
There is beauty in the future I have not seen yet

There is beauty in the clouds that bring rain from the sky
And graciously God shares with you and I
But what amazes me more than all the wonders I behold
Is that God created us and then He broke the mold.
Beauty by God - Poem by me

Monday, November 16, 2009

What are You Looking at?

Even while driving I find myself gazing here and there.

The leaves are turning to glorious shades of yellow, orange, red, berry and burgundy. Once in awhile there is still a few hearty blossoms showing their colorful faces. The sky is always performing a show and it makes it pretty darned hard to keep driving. One day the sky was full of clouds and no matter which direction I looked the display was too beautiful to ignore. I pulled into a parking lot at one of the little strip malls in town and parked. After filling my pocket with batteries I looked for a clear view and started snapping photos in all directions.

I was so engrossed with what I was doing that I did not notice someone was watching me.

How long was he there? He stood within a few feet. Then he spoke.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

His inquisitive look tickled me. How could he not see it? I smiled. I couldn't help it. "The sky." I said, "Isn't it beautiful?" He agreed.

I collected about a dozen photos, saved about seven and this is just three. Have I gone nuts since I started taking pictures? I took pictures of the children while they were growing up, but have never had much enthusiasm for any other subjects until now.

Suddenly I am seeing tiny berries on trees throughout town. Berries of orange, red and black. Some of the berries look like gems, particularly when glistening with dew. Did these trees only bloom this year? Where were they previously?

My husband thinks I am nuts and forbids me to carry a camera when we are out, so I simply remember the beauty and plan to come back when alone or with my friends or grandchildren. They (the grandchildren and friends) have actually helped me to spot things I may have missed. Have I caused them to go "nuts" too? If this is "nuts" don't send me for a cure, because I am enjoying every minute of this insanity. Take care & God bless.

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