Thursday, February 25, 2010

And then He Broke the Mold!


God put a camera in my hands and all the sudden now I see...

I find beauty in a puddle, the grace and strength of a tree
The petals of flowers, the blue azure of the sea
The many flecks of color in the eyes of my pet
There is beauty in the future I have not seen yet

There is beauty in the clouds that bring rain from the sky
And graciously God shares with you and I
But what amazes me more than all the wonders I behold
Is that God created us and then He broke the mold.
Beauty by God - Poem by me


T. Powell Coltrin

Judy, Is that your poem? How beautiful. The photos too.


Teresa, thanks for the compliment. I love to write poetry and God is so inspiring. His goodness overflows.

Thank you for your visit. I love the way your avatar looks like your peeking around the corner.

Take care & God bless.


Your poem is so lovely, you are a talented writer. Love the photos, those snow covered trees are beautiful.


Judy, you are so nice to say that. Take care and have a blessed day!

Icy BC

Wonderful poem Judy! You've just described how I feel..


Icy, it is just not possible to see God's beauty and not be awestruck and amazed. You are definitely a part of that beauty I see; in your photography, words, love for your children, kind gestures, diligence....

Thanks so much for your visit. Take care & God bless!


Beautiful shots!


Amanda, thank you for your visit. Take care & God bless!

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