Showing posts with label Sky watch Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sky watch Friday. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sunshine on the Golden-rain tree

I'm a nut when it comes to the skies
A crystal blue sky can hypnotize

A few minutes of sun for our vitamin D
But several hours for the Golden-rain tree

Enjoying the clouds as they play peek a boo

I could do this all day. How bout you?


Nature by God
Poem by Judy

Visit Skywatch Friday

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cotton Clouds vs. the Sun

The cotton clouds like curtains stood
And joined each other in sisterhood
To hide the sun from others view
Although the sun came shining through

It caused my gaze to wander high
To catch a glimpse of cloudy sky
With glowing clouds in snowy whites
Illuminating the sky with blinding lights

If the clouds thought they could be
A block between the sun and me

They must have lost their mind today
Because the sun stood on display

Nature by God
poetry by Judy Sheldon-Walker

For more sky views from around the world visit SkyWatch Friday. God bless you this week end!

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