Sunday, March 28, 2010

Are they Angel's Tears?

They glisten like tiny bits of crystal...

Can my camera capture what my eyes can see..
Tiny little droplets glistening on a tree?

Oh the wondrous beauty God shares with me!
Can my camera capture what my eyes can see?



Beautiful little water droplets, one of my favorites. The way they sparkle perhaps they are angel's tears. The second photo is great, I hope everyone enlarges it.


Judy, thanks so much for your visit. They are beautiful to see.

Take care & God bless.


How about diamonds Judy? Tears sound so sad, but hopefully they were tears of joy! ;-)


Water droplets are beautiful, and you did capture them, wonderfully..


Amanda and Mumsy, perhaps they are tears of joy but sometimes the human race is not very kind and the angels must be disappointed with us. The drops are simply beautiful, maybe they just want to share some beauty...
Thanks for the visit. Take care and God bless!

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