Monday, May 10, 2010

What do all these pictures have in common?

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My little squirrel buddy tricked me quite a few months ago. I thought the birds were eating out of my home made “bird” feeder until I came home from work one day to witness the little rascal tipping the bottle up and emptying it into his mouth. Once he had emptied the bottle, he threw it to the ground.

The caper was long forgiven and forgotten. I bought some tulips and planted some of them for a friend of mine in her front yard, then placed a small fence around them. We stood back and appreciated our handiwork after she watered them with her hose.

The next morning I received a frantic message “Judy, they're gone! All my tulips are gone!” Come to find out tulips are fine eating for squirrels.

Lesson 1. Place moth balls down after planting tulips to deter the squirrels.

I still wasn't finished learning, however. I decided to try again to feed my fine feathered friends. I have a pair of gray morning doves that hang out in my backyard and want to keep them around. I gathered pine cones, tied slip knots on them, covered them with peanut butter, then rolled them in bird seed. I then tied them to a tree in the backyard.

Mr. Squirrel gnawed the hemp on the cones and carted them off to his personal stash. Will I ever learn? Perhaps I should post a sign in my front window “Beware of Squirrels!” For more squirrel pictures check out  Through Squirrel Eyes.

Thanks for visiting. Take care, God bless and don't go nuts like me!


T. Powell Coltrin

Wow what a story. Squirrels are crafty - a bit selfish- little fellas.


Teresa, well I would say they have a strong sense of self survival. :-)

Thanks for the visit and God bless!

Icy BC

Squirrels are great destroyers in my yard..They eat everything I grow, including the Hungarian peppers. They took bites, and found out it was too hot, so they left the rotten pepper to me :-(


Icy, they are as determined as the tree! Try a mixture of hot sauce, Tabasco, water, and dish soap in a spray bottle. Jeannie uses it to keep the deer out of her garden. She also makes these strange contraptions out of milk jugs that the wind blows to scare them.


Squirrels are excellent little problem solvers, very little can stop them when it comes to a food source. I think that might be why I like them so much.

The squirrel in your photo looks like a Fox squirrel which is the same kind we have here. They rarely bother my flowers unless I plant sunflowers.


Judy, If I had known how much they like bulbs, I would have taken moth balls with me when I planted her tulips. Now I know. What else should I know about our furry friends? :-)

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