Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Flowers

flowering bush 


flowering shrub
I have been fascinated by the transformations taking place in this bush. It is right outside my place of employment and I cannot resist stopping for a moment to enjoy it’s fragrance and beauty as I head out the door. It is such a welcome sight after ten hours of sitting in the same spot.

The first sign of buds were very similar to the lilac, which stands right behind it, and if it had not been that close to the other bush, I have to be honest, I may have not noticed the differences. These leaves are much bigger. The flowers are

two different shades of pink on one bush, and some of the buds are tiny white ones and others purple.

Flowers are like eye candy. They sweeten our view. They are used as gifts of love, and I believe our father gives them to us as signs of his love. Many flowers are used for herbal remedies, others for fragrances, aroma therapy, and some simply to look at. I am grateful for these lovely flowers that end my day with a beautiful pause as I am hastening out to come home and switch hats.


Icy BC

Thought they are lilac! I saw them around here too, took the pictures, and keep thinking they are lilac..


Icy, far be it from me to argue as I haven't a clue. I just know they look different from the lilac bush next to them. :-)

Have a blessed day!


Like Icy... I thought they were lilac too and got so excited because for once there is one flower that I recognize and I know of... hahahaha... and I was wrong again.


Ruthi, maybe not. Perhaps there are different types of lilacs. They do come in white, lavender, and yellow as far as I know, so why not? The leaves are so much bigger though.....
The jury is out. :-)


I thought they were lilacs too and they may be. I have three different types of lilacs and each is a little different. Two of them are bushes and the other is a large tree. The leaves on the tree are actually smaller than those on the bush.

Either way they are really pretty.


Jeannie thinks they are red buds. I haven't had the time to really spend researching. The leaves are much bigger and the blossoms vary on the same bush making for interesting contrasts.

Thanks so much for your visit. Take care and God bless. I will be by to see you soon.

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