The Master Artist
I was in awe of these beauties when I spotted them sitting near my daughter's home. Next time I visited I brought my camera. I wonder if the other buds have opened yet?
Flower Hunting
My grand daughter and I spent the day together two week ends ago. She spied this flower (second picture down) outside my bank and held it facing up so I could quickly snap it. She has quite an eye for beauty and loves to assist Grandma in her ventures. Thanks, TT, short for Te`Love.
I Chopped these Trees Down!
The next two pictures in this little album is of a tree which sprouted on it's own at the back corner of my driveway. My neighbor has another tree similar, and it probably dropped a seedling. Because I purchased my home in 1994 I have had the good fortune to watch my yard undergo many transformations.
A little over ten years ago, at my husband's urgings, I had this tree and another chopped down. One sat at one back corner and the other sat at the other back corner of my drive. The one not pictured is a mulberry tree and the other (shown here) is a mystery to me. We cut both down just as far as possible then poured chemicals on the stumps to kill them. After all drive ways are for cars, right?
They Are Now Towering Majesties
God, who is the master artist, must have had other plans. Both trees now tower well over me, with my "mystery" tree (pictured in the last two pictures) being taller than my home. The blossoms are enchantingly beautiful and the leaves shaped like huge hearts; green hearts, at that. I believe it symbolizes growth, love, and beauty all in one.
If anyone knows the name of this tree, please let me know. The flowers have yellow and black stripes inside. Can you see the one on the far left? Theyshower my yard with blossoms, like a flower girl at a wedding.
How could I have ever thought of cutting down this tree? Look at these huge leaves. These wonderful trees grace my yard and provide our home with relief from the hot summer days. In the coldest windiest winter days I also know that my home is no where near as cold as it would have been without them. The mulberry trees draw birds from far and near and place their welcome songs in the air. I just love waking to the sound.
Mystery Solved
A coworker heard me talking about my tree and told me she was pretty sure it was a catalpa tree, so I looked it up on the internet. The smallest picture at the top came up in my search for catalpa trees and sure enough the blossoms match my tree. Thanks to my coworker, Tish and the photographer who submitted their picture I know what type of tree this is. The beauty and clarity of their photography shines through making the identification easy. Thanks!
Hi my dear.
I have no idea what the tree is. The second red flower in your picture is Hibiscus. National flower of Malaysia. :)
SheR, thanks so much for visiting & the name on the red flower. They sell them at Sam's here. They are very pretty blooms.
Now just to figure out my mystery tree. lol
Have a blessed day.
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