Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Reflections in the melted snow



T. Powell Coltrin

I like your reflections- photos. I think there are pictures in so many places that we don't think about.

•°°• IcyBC •°°•

I attempted to take pictures like yours too, only my puddle wasn't as clear..very wonderful!


Teresa, God shows us beauty in so many places. Thanks for the visit.

Icy, you take so many outstanding pics. I was fortunate to get the opportunity to see these.

Take care & God bless!

Self Sagacity

I don't have snow, but I do have a lot of rain. This gives me an idea for the next take. :-)


Self Sagacity, Icy and I could send you some....


Great shots Judy, I especially like the last one with the smaller puddle picking up part of the reflection.


I love it when puddles are clear enough to catch reflections in them.

Judy, thanks for your visit. Take care & God bless!

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