Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Skywatch



the skies woke up, played a little bit, and then went to sleep. thanks, juds. all we have is rain these days.


Cherie, we had rain all morning on Saturday and Sunday, and then the blue skies interspersed with "cotton candy clouds".

Thanks for visiting & God bless!

Icy BC

I really need some sun! Gray sky makes me feel lazy, and just want to sleep!

The first photo shows a beautiful blue sky, Judy!


Icy, the clouds are gray now and many in Detroit (about &7,000+) were out of power today because of high winds and rain. Yuk. I prefer the blue skies too, unless I'm trying to go to sleep. The sound of rain will cause me to drift right off. :-)

Take care & God bless.


juds, see you on my new blogsite! just click my name here...


I did and I will. I'm excited!

Anne Lyken-Garner

I wish my sky looked like this, Judy. A wonderful shot.


Anne, it started out rainy and gray and became sunny later on in the day.
We've had a lot of rain lately. Icy captured some good ones of the stormy sky. We had over 90,000 (when the count was over) without power in her area.


What gorgeous pics!

And I popped over after I saw your comment on my post for Woman's World Magazines blog. It is affiliated with the magazine. Thank you for visiting.

My other blog is Let's have a cocktail

Best, JennyMac


JennyMac, I love WW Mag. I never miss an issue!

Of course I will visit your other blog. Thanks so much for visiting mine.

Take care & God bless!

Willie a.k.a Reptoz

The last clouds look like it's going to rain. Isn't it?


Actually I posted them in descending order. The first picture was taken in the morning when it was raining off and on, then as the day went on it got bright outside and the clouds thinned out turning white and fluffy.

♥♥ tuğçe♥♥

really wordlesss but awesomeee


God is awesome, isn't He? He displays His handiwork everywhere and I can't help but feel amazed.

Thanks for your visit. Take care & God bless!

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