Saturday, October 24, 2009

S.T., the cat gives himself a bath

Most cats hate water, but not S.T. Having 7 toes on each of his front paws is not the only thing that sets him apart from other cats.

My friend Jeanne brought some pictures by my house today to share with me and gave me permission to share them with you. She tells me that she and her husband must make sure to turn the water under the sink off when they are not at home as he has flooded their bathroom.

S.T. is checking to make sure the curling iron is not hot. He wouldn't want to get a hot seat. He prefers his wet. She says she has seen him turn it on with his hind paws, and it looks like that might be exactly what he is doing.

Now he needs to test the water. He is fussy about the temperature. First for a drink.

He places the stopper down and once the sink gets half full he curls up in the tub (er sink) to enjoy his soak. Boy! This is the life.

Jeanne tells me that when she first brought him in from outside she kept him in the bathtub while she was at work. She placed his food and water there and it was the only place she could trust him not to get out of when he was a kitten. Perhaps he has a thing for porcelain?

By the way, this is not the only thing in the bathroom he knows how to use. S.T. is a very unusual cat.

Thanks, Jeanne, for sharing your story and pictures with me. Thanks, S.T. for being the special creature that God made you to be.

Take care and God bless.



This was funny, sister!


Thanks, Chan, for visiting. I thought so. Jeanne and I sat here laughing as we downloaded the pictures and embedded her name in them.

Take care, God bless!

Icy BC

Wow..that's a very unusual cat indeed! How fun to see this series of photos, Judy!


Icy, thanks for visiting. I enjoyed the laugh and we wanted to share it.

Take care & God bless.

T. Powell Coltrin

This post makes me happy. Pets are so entertaining and beneficial. Just lost my cat a week ago, and she is missed.


Journaling Woman, remember that cats are hunters. She may be back. Mine has done this a few times even though I take pains to keep her inside!! I breathe a big sign of relief every time she comes home. Her son is scared to death to go outside! :-) I hope I hear from you shortly that your fur baby is back.

Take care & God bless!

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