Monday, February 25, 2008

Chat with Chan

My friend Chan Lee Peng has some enlightening things to say. Chan is currently a tutor in Malaysia, and because of the advantages we share of being contributing authors at I have had the good fortune of becoming acquainted with Chan. We share common views on preventative health and concerns about mankind.

Quazen > Authors > CHAN LEE PENG

Extraordinary Pictures of the February 21, 2008 Lunar Eclipse
by CHAN LEE PENG, Feb 23, 2008
The most recent lunar eclipse was seen from all over the world. Here are pictures taken from different locations.
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The Wonderful Scenes of the Universe
by CHAN LEE PENG, Feb 20, 2008
Here are some of the wonderful scenes of the universe.
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How Sperm Meets an Egg to Fertilize a Fetus in the Mother’s Womb
by CHAN LEE PENG, Feb 8, 2008
This is how the sperm meets an egg until it is fertilized as a healthy fetus in the mother’s womb.
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News Ahead: The World’s Most Alarming Moments
by CHAN LEE PENG, Feb 3, 2008
These are the top nine unusual and alarming news events of 2007.
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Sorry Everybody for the Re-election of George W. Bush
by CHAN LEE PENG, Feb 2, 2008
People were dissatisfied with the re-election of George W.Bush who successfully secured his presidential election in 2004.
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News Ahead: The Word’s Most Critical Moments
by CHAN LEE PENG, Jan 29, 2008
Selected news that reported the critical moments people faced around the world in 2007.
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Panda: From the Birth to Growth
by CHAN LEE PENG, Jan 24, 2008
The lifecycle of panda from its birth to growth as an adult panda


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