Sunday, November 1, 2009

Do Persnickety People Eat Persimmons?

Do persnickety people eat persimmons?

Does the persimmon grow on a tree?

And if persnickety people like persimmons,

I wonder how they'd taste to me?
by Judy Sheldon-Walker


Icy BC

I eat persimmons some time,
They taste mighty sweet,
if they are ripe..
Try it Judy, you might like it just fine!


Icy, I might. I tried pomegranate the other day and liked them. Last night I ate jicama for the first time. Did I spell it wrong? Spell checker thinks so. :-) My cash register receipt spelled it this way. Is is that strange of a food? I smell an article coming.

Icy, I hope you enjoy your extra hour. Take care & God bless.

T. Powell Coltrin

Judy, Very cute rhyme. Let me try:

I use to live near a persimmon tree.
Where the fruit would dare to ripen.
But sometimes the young impatient me,
Would steal a persimmon unripened …. and in turn I became persnickety.


Teresa, cool! I love it.

Do you ehow?

T. Powell Coltrin

No, I don't ehow, but it is on my list to check out, along with Triond and the others I read in your sidebar.

PS- My poem really happened except the persnickety. I don't think anyone would be surprised I ate an unripened Persimmon.


Teresa, since you love doing things (like I do), you'd love ehow because it gives you an opportunity to share your ideas and get paid for them. :-)
I bought a persimmon and probably would have eaten it right away except Icy warned me that they are better ripe so I'm waiting. lol

Thanks for visiting. Take care & God bless. I'm rushing off to work now.

Anne Lyken-Garner

Short, sweet and funny.

I have no idea what they are and I'm sure I've never eaten them.


Anne, they are persimmons. They grow in warmer climates - not in areas like Michigan, so I have not tasted one yet. I have one ripening in my fridge, so I will! :-)

Take care & God bless!

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